Cancer Medication Methods: Triggering the Apoptosis Mechanisms

Naturally, every living things has an automatic regeneration system. Surprisingly, their cells commence the death process for unneeded cells and maintain the other cells. This programmable process occurring in living things called apoptosis.

In biological process, apoptosis helps the cells to control the amount of cells since they are able to growth frequently. Imagine, if we as a human is still growing our cells for example the eyebrows. Thus, we will have an eyebrow with length as long as our hair. Or another example about differentiation of our fingers and toes during the prenatal period. If there was not apoptosis, we would have unified of fingers and toes just like chicken and duck have.

In apoptosis, the homeostasis is important throughout the life-cycle. This mechanism makes the organism able to control the population. If they are not able to control, then there are two things will happen which are too many cells alive than die or the opposite. The unbalancing leads the cells growing uncontrollable which causes the cancer cells. On the other hand, apoptosis helps the living things to detect broken or infected cells so that they can instruct the cells to “commit suicide” or the cells commence the DNA sequence to start the reparation to the infected-cells.

This ability can be advantaged in applying the anti-cancer drugs. As we know the cancer therapy, for instance the chemotherapy, has given side effect to patients including vomit, drug resistance, reduced bioavailability, hair removal, and some reports the chemotherapy affected some damage to healthy tissues. Consequently, the therapy causes so many side effects which can damage our body at all. Therefore, by understanding the apoptosis process happened naturally inside human’s body, we are able to manipulate the anticancer drugs so that the infected cells can be removed from apoptosis system.

One of the anticancer method is by using the nanoparticles. Nanotechnology has discovered a steady substance chemically, high specific surface area, and the electrochemical properties can interact to cancer cells. The nano-size helps it to induce and triggers the resistance mechanisms as soon as it enters the infected cells. So, the anticancer agents use its power to affect the cells and activate the apoptosis mechanisms as soon as possible. Technically speaking, inside the cells the anticancer agents activate signal either in intracellular or extracellular by inducing serum starvation, ionizing, irradiation and reactive oxygen species.

In conclusion, the cancer cells can be happened from many aspects including the apoptosis mechanisms. Fortunately, through this mechanism we are able to manipulate the system so that the cancer cells can activate the apoptosis method and make the cancer itself becoming death by using inducers nanoparticle.

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