Being Problem Solver Throughout Physics

The opening article about physics’ questions are unbelievable nonsense makes me think about how ridiculous the world of physics is. It had been working for three years since my first years at university. Until I found the answer about it throughout the philosophical aspect about physics.

As I mentioned to you earlier on the previous article, physics is about understanding in matter. The more you can understand about the behavior of matters the deeper your thought about those and as a result you can make a modelling based on that behavior. In short ways, after knowing the principle we will able to make a simulation so that we can apply the same principle in a bigger atmosphere. Does not it sound like an engineer? Yap, it does.

In addition to apply the principle in another situation we must understand about the interactions. The bubbles story on my mid-term examination was the first step to all scientist in the past, present or in the future for designing the vehicle. What I meant is our understanding about analyzing the bubbles elevating and the velocity leads us to make vehicles which can move through the fluids. As we know, the forces involved the phenomenon of bubbles’ elevating are the gravity and Archimedes’ principle. Therefore, the density, gravity and backward forces influence the movement of the bubbles.

So, what is the point? Some of you might still not get the picture yet. Well, in real life, the cars, aircraft, boats, or any kind of vehicles you have ever taken are influenced by the density of the fluids, gravity and backward forces occurred. Surprisingly, if you ever get on board into aircraft and you felt about the turbulence during the flight, all of that happens because of the density of the air, the gravity which always make you fall. The bubbles are the vehicle, and the carbonated liquid is the water and the gravity is the backward forces. Stoke was able to understand about the interaction and he put one aspect which is related to the density of the liquid, and scientist name it as viscosity of fluids.

The bubbles thing is a simulation or a modelling system created by my lecture about our understanding in physics problems. However, that question was given to understand one of many factors which are possible to influence the system. Possibly, in aerodynamic aspect of the shape, the force created by the vehicles, and many more. Interestingly, instead of giving us a calculation question, he gave us a problem solving question which will be beneficial for us in real life. For example, how about I want to go to my office as soon as possible when I was riding a bike during the raining? Should we determine the viscosity of the raindrops? Or should we modify our position of sitting on the motorcycle in addition to produce well-structured of aerodynamic shape?

Well, physics about what we do daily, and we just forget all those natural laws throughout our instinct of survival as a mere human, don’t we?

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