6 Habits to Keep Your Friendships Strong

Making friends can be quite challenging, particularly in adulthood. As adults, we often find it difficult to meet new people because we no longer have the built-in social environments of school or university. Consequently, many adult friendships begin in the workplace or local community settings, such as baby or toddler groups, or through interactions with other school parents. If you work remotely or don't get out much, forming new friendships can be even more challenging.

Maintaining friendships requires effort and care. Whether it's a new acquaintance or a long-time childhood friend, here are six expert tips on how to keep your friendships strong.

1. Spend Quality Time Together

One of the most important ways to keep your friendships strong is to spend quality time together. This doesn't mean you have to see each other every day, but when you do meet up, make it count. Engage in activities you both enjoy, have meaningful conversations, and create lasting memories. Quality time helps build deeper connections and strengthens the bond you share.

2. Lean on Your Friends When You Need Support

Friendship is a two-way street. Don't hesitate to lean on your friends when you need support, whether it's emotional, mental, or physical. Sharing your struggles and asking for help not only shows vulnerability but also strengthens the trust and intimacy in your relationship. Remember, a strong friendship is built on mutual support.

3. Have a Standing Date in the Diary

Life can get busy, and it's easy to let months slip by without seeing your friends. To avoid this, set a standing date in your diary. It could be a monthly coffee catch-up, a weekly phone call, or a bi-weekly gym session. Having a regular, scheduled time to connect ensures that you keep in touch and maintain your friendship despite your busy schedules.

4. Remember How Your Friend Likes to Be Shown Love and Affection

Everyone has different ways they like to receive love and affection. Some appreciate words of affirmation, others value acts of service, and some prefer gifts or physical touch. Pay attention to your friend's preferences and show love in the way they appreciate most. This personal touch can make your friend feel valued and understood, deepening your bond.

5. Check In with Each Other

Regularly checking in with your friends, even if it's just a quick text message, shows that you care about their well-being. Ask about their day, how they're feeling, or any challenges they might be facing. Consistent check-ins help maintain the connection and show that you're thinking about them, even when you're not together.

6. Actively Listen and Let Them Feel Heard

Listening is a crucial part of any relationship. When your friends are talking, give them your full attention, make eye contact, and respond thoughtfully. Show empathy and understanding. By actively listening, you make your friend feel heard and valued, which is fundamental to a strong and lasting friendship.


Friendships, like any relationship, require effort and intentionality to thrive. By spending quality time together, leaning on each other for support, scheduling regular meet-ups, showing love in the way your friend prefers, checking in regularly, and actively listening, you can keep your friendships strong and fulfilling. These habits not only nurture the bond you share but also enrich your life with meaningful and supportive connections. So, take these tips to heart and watch your friendships flourish.

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