Young Leaders Program (YLP) Scholarship from MEXT Japanese Scholarship 2021-2022

YLP - MEXT Scholarships

Japan, a country in south-east Asia, is one of the developed countries in the world with best educational institutions. The Programme for International Student Assessment coordinated by the OECD ranks the knowledge and skills of Japanese 15-year-olds as the third best in the world. Japan is one of the top-performing OECD countries in reading literacy, math and sciences.

The Young Leader's Program (YLP) aims to contribute to cultivate future national leaders in Asian and other countries, to contribute to establish friendly relationship among various countries and to improve policy planning activities by forming a network among national leaders through deepening their understanding of Japan. The YLP is one of the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Programs.

YLP Scholarships Eligibility

Applicants must be the nationals of countries eligible for the YLP with under 40 years of age as 01 October 2021. As the scholarships are given for master degrees, the academic background for the applicants is a Bachelor's degree or equivalent from a recognised/ accredited university or college, and have achieved excellent academic performance with at least three years of full-time work experience in public administration (preferably 5 years or more).

The YLP scholarships are offered for five fields, which can be accessed via the following Link

School of Government Course

YLP Scholarship Awards

The YLP Scholarships are given for master program which is funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. The awards for the successful candidates are:
  • Monthly allowance for 242,000 yen
  • Traveling costs
  • Education fees
  • Accommodations
  • Private boarding houses or apartment houses

YLP Application

To apply the scholarships, all applicants must be made through the specific recommending authorities for each course. Applicants must submit the following documents to their recommending authorities by the designated date. The application forms and guidelines have been provided in the above articles.

The applicants are also required to submit their (1) Photographs, (2) Official transcripts form, (3) application for Admission, (4) Recommendation Letter from the recommending authority, (5) Certificate of Health, (6) Official degree certificates or certified copies of diplomas, (7) Essay explaining, (8) Certificate of Citizenship, (9) Family Register, (10) Copy of the Passport, (11) English Proficiency Certificate, (12) Answer to the Essay Questions

Please be notified that the scholarship application deadline differs according to the country. Please contact with Japanese embassy or consulate general in your country. For further information related to the Scholarships, it is strongly advised to visit this Scholarship Link.

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