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Modern Toothbrush (Image is credited to www.smilesciences.com) |
You might have thought that this title will relate to certain advanced technologies. Well, your guess is correct, but it is not completely correct. The things that change the medical technologies have been started since thousands of years ago. And it is started with the word of:
Toothbrush. This tool actually was invented by Sumerian people around 7 thousand years ago. In the beginning, toothbrush was not the same like it has been used today. The Sumerian used many types of teeth-cleaning method like twigs with frayed ends, handles with boar bristles, a sponge soaked in brandy. These methods are considered as the first prototype of toothbrush. Until 1930s, the world-first modern toothbrush was invented by a company which is now called as DuPont, and it was made by nylon.
The next thing is Hypodermic Needle. In 1844, an Irish physician named Francis Rynd developed a hollow needle fine enough to both pierce skin and administer or extract fluids. By 1853, other doctors had added glass, a steel tube and a plunger to Rynd’s needle to create essentially the same hypodermic syringe we know today.
Maggots are the third thing. Yes, it is maggots or larval marvels. Today, hundreds of healthcare centers in the United States have used medical maggots on patients. These immature flies are important in covering and treating open wounds on the skin of patients, and to be specifically is for them who have difficulties in healing their wounds. But, why it cannot be healed? Find it on the next article
The fourth important thing is condom. According to certain sources, the earliest evidence of condoms is found in a cave which is more than ten thousand years of age. This cave is located in Europe which has a painting displaying rubbers in preventing the birth control. Although it has been considered as ancient technology, the world-first modern condom was invented medically in 1494 which can prevent infectious genital diseases.
Number five belongs to permanent marker. It would have been unbelievably that if a surgeon does not have a permanent marker during operation. With the presence of permanent marker, surgery is still conducted incorrectly because of wrong-site surgeries.
Band-Aids. Have you ever thought that this tool is very important? Everything that is related to wound relates to Ban-Aids. First modern Band-Aids were invented by a caring cotton buyer in addition to treat his wife from cooking and house chores which were cuts and minor burns. Because of the applications, Johnson & Johnson produced millions of adhesive bandages in helping the military during the world war in 1942.
Last but not least is an ambulance car. The first ambulance was invented in 900 AD by Anglo-Saxons which was a hammock combined with a cart. The aim is to bring the patients to transport. Now, ambulance function is not only transporting, but also preventing and giving treatments to those who got injured. Ambulance is now equipped with certain medical instruments.