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Transforming Deli River into tourism attraction site and hydro power plant (image is downloaded from https://upload.wikimedia.org) |
Respectively, Tigris and Euphrates; Nile; Indus and Yangtze/ Yellow rivers are the places for those societies for establishing their own civilizations and cultures. The decisions of rivers were firstly occurred as the source of water and it also provides food availability. Interestingly, with the growing of traditions and culture which produced knowledge and educations, the rivers also become part of social facilities and infrastructures including agricultural, transportation, storage, and nowadays tourism and energy.
Started back around 3000 to 3500 thousands BC, the Mesopotamian and Egyptian utilized the water availability not only for water preservation but also to do farming and even more they were able to determine the cropping season by observing the quantity of water on the rivers. On the other hand, Indus and China use it as new source of energy by converting the rivers’ flow into kinetic energy water wheel while the next civilizations used it to mill seeds in producing flour and others utilizations [1]. Interestingly, today’s civilizations utilized it for creating electricity by constructing dams.
Rivers were considered as source of foods and other utilizations. The same goes on today, water management for drinking, household utilization, agricultural and farming, but the interesting thing is the use for producing electricity.
In Indonesia, there are many provinces which have high current of rivers. Technically speaking, some of the rivers also formed in wide shape with high quantity of debits. However, as we know constructing rivers containing wider width and high current could become the main challenges whereas the small river produces small obstacles. Therefore, utilization and functionalization the small rivers’ flows in order to produce electricity are considered as better solution to that. Micro-hydro plant is the solution because it is environmentally friendly and the accessibility to build and operate is easy.
Medan is a capital city of North Sumatera Province and it has one river that flows centrally in the city. The Deli river starts in the eastern sites of the province located in Sibolangit in Deli regency and it flows to Medan towards to Labuhan Deli, Percut Sei Tuan, Medan Labuhan [2]. Interestingly, it is predicted it can generate 12.5 Mega Watt of electricity if the river banks is utilized completely [3]. This high potential of new resources of electricity is big which can answer the electric crisis in Medan particularly North Sumatera.
However, as the construction takes big expenses, the solution is the Micro-hydro power plant. This power plant is harvested from low current of river’s water so it is considered as renewable power plant which is friendly to the environment. Hence, the other good advantages are the ease of operation and low-cost of construction [4]. Fortunately, the interesting points about the re-transforming of Deli River also comes on the ecotourism aspect. Constructing the micro-power plant means conserving the river banks which can prevent the biodiversity in stable condition.
On the other hand, for example the river banks on Jalan Deli located in sub-district Glugur, can become one of the attractive place either in the morning or afternoon. There are three elements that must be fulfilled to improve a place into attractive area so the tourists interested to visit. They are the elements of transportation, related facilities and infrastructures such as water station, dock, and the attractiveness and tourist activities such boat. However, the river that can be tourist destination must aware about these six things[5], they are
- The condition of riverside must be well maintained and utilized in proper ways
- The potential for water attractions such as the flow, the riverside
- The landslides of the river embankment must be reconstructed and it has low risk of avalanche
- Additional facilities to support the good landscape such lights and benches or safety indicators
- Community support from the people living nearby
- Facilities related to the tourism services such as bridges, cafes or restaurants
[1] W. "Water wheel," Wikipedia, 23 July 2017. [Online]. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_wheel. [Accessed 01 August 2017].
[2] E. Ridiza, "Pelestarian Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Deli," wordpress.com, 12 June 2015. [Online]. Available: https://elsaridiza.wordpress.com/2015/06/12/pelestarian-daerah-aliran-sungai-das-deli/. [Accessed 02 August 2017].
[3] K. P. U. "Pola pengelolaan sumber daya air wilayah sungai belawan ular padang," Kementrian Pekerjaan Umum, Medan, 2012.
[4] Y. R. Pasalli and A. B. Rehiara, "Design Planning of Micro-hydro power plant in Hink River," Procedia Environmental Sciences, no. 20, pp. 55-63, 2014.
[5] H. T. Fachruddin and M. D. Lubis, "Planning for riverside area as water tourism destination to improve quality of life local residents, case study: Batuan-Sikambing River, Medan, Indonesia," Procedia Social and Behavioral sciences, no. 234, pp. 434-441, 2016.
[6] Video is accessed 02 August 2017 from Youtube.com